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امتحان Mr. Green - منصة السراج التعليمية

Mr. Green

تم الرفع بواسطة: يامن

اللغة الإنجليزية
الصف الخامس
16 مشاهدة
نوع الملف DOCX 📝

وصف الامتحان:

Name:---------------------------------------- English Exam 5th grade 4.4.06 *********************************************************** القسم الأول – إقرأ القطعة التالية . Mr. Green lives in a small house. There is one room in the house. There is a window and a door in the room. There isn’ta lot of furniture. Mr. Green has a bed, a table and a chair. He has a sofa too. There is a lamp on the table. There are two kettles on the stove. There are two trees outside. Th...

Exam Details:
اللغة الإنجليزية Assessment for Grade الصف الخامس

This assessment focuses on evaluating students' knowledge and skills in English language skills including grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension. The exam was prepared with Medium difficulty level, suitable for the academic year 2023/2024.

Assessment Type: General Assessment
Primary Focus: General Understanding
Target Skills: Comprehensive Skills

File Type: DOCX
Views: 16

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