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امتحان Present Progressive Rules - منصة السراج التعليمية

Present Progressive Rules

تم الرفع بواسطة: ادهم

اللغة الإنجليزية
الصف السادس
10 مشاهدة
نوع الملف DOCX 📝

وصف الامتحان:

LESSON 1 - RULES - PRESENT PROGRESSIVEWe use Present Progressive to talk about things that are happening now. Time Expressions now, right now, at the moment, at present, today, tonight, this... Look! Listen! "..." The Form Of The Verb 2614930355600020739103556000(+)subject + am + verb+ing... is are 2795270508000019837405080000(-)subject + am not + verb+ing... isn't aren't 18034007175500(?)Am+ subject + verb+ing... Is Are 2073910920750026149309207500(WH) Wh Q +am + subject + verb+ing... is are ...

Exam Details:
اللغة الإنجليزية Assessment for Grade الصف السادس

This assessment focuses on evaluating students' knowledge and skills in English language skills including grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension. The exam was prepared with Easy difficulty level, suitable for the academic year 2024/2025.

Assessment Type: General Assessment
Primary Focus: General Understanding
Target Skills: Comprehensive Skills

File Type: DOCX
Views: 10

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