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امتحان English Language Proficiency Exam - منصة السراج التعليمية

English Language Proficiency Exam

تم الرفع بواسطة: sharkawi

اللغة الإنجليزية
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27 مشاهدة
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وصف الامتحان:

English Exam: Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading, and Writing

Objective: Evaluate students' skills in Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading Comprehension, and Writing.


1. Section A: Vocabulary (20 marks)
- Fill in the blanks using the correct word from the Words Bank.
- Example:
- "I like to eat an _______ every day." (Apple).
- "The weather is very _______ today." (Sunny).

2. Section B: Grammar (30 marks)
- Complete sentences with the correct verb form.
- Example:
- "She ________ (play) basketball every Saturday." (Plays).
- "They ________ (go) to the park yesterday." (Went).

3. Section C: Reading Comprehension (30 marks)
- Read a short passage about Ali and his dog Max and answer questions.
- Example:
- "What does Ali do every morning?" (Walks to the park with Max).
- "What did Ali and Max see in the pond one day?" (A duck family).

4. Section D: Writing (20 marks)
- Write a short paragraph about your favorite day and what you usually do.

1. Enhance vocabulary through contextual usage.
2. Develop grammatical skills and sentence formation.
3. Improve reading comprehension and analysis.
4. Encourage structured written expression.

Good Luck!

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متوسط التقييم: 5.0/5 (1 تقييمات)


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